phantom circles
2022 - Ongoing

17 works from the ongoing series were printed in 2023 and 2024, each consisting of four Archival Inkjet Prints mounted as a quartet; edition of 4 plus 2 artist’s proofs; sizes range from 51.5” x 53.5” to 65” x 53.5

While doing workprints of Apparition, I noticed that in some of the images, with different exposures, the feeling of space changed. These tended to be the images in which the vertical forms (glass vases) were somewhat visible instead of merging with the scrim; the images created in the early morning when there was more contrast between light and dark areas, and the weave of the scrim was more pronounced; or the images that had more movement in them.

I did produce a final workprint that felt ‘right’ in terms of how I originally envisioned the image, but I also liked some of the variations. This made me wonder if toning the print in different ways would also create variations I liked. It didn’t. Then I tried scanning the prints and, in effect, toning them by adding red, magenta, yellow, and sometimes cyan or blue, to the scan.

I experimented with different degrees of change in the color, or sometimes just change in the exposure and contrast, as well as groupings of three or four, until I achieved what I wanted: quartets, framed as one work. Sometimes the variations are subtle, and sometimes quite bold; what is important to me is for each image to feel ‘right,’ with none more ‘right’ than the others, and for all of them to be in balance.